Snoring Treatment
Snoring Treatment

What is Snoring?

It is the sound of soft tissue vibrating as air passes through the upper airways through the throat area. During sleep, the root of the tongue, palate and the area where the small tongue meets the throat become slightly narrowed. Due to narrowing of the airway, the intensity of the sound that is produced during breathing varies depending on how narrow the airway is. Approximately 45% of adults reported snoring at certain times during sleep, and 25% reported snoring continuously.

Snoring Prosthesis

People should get quality and adequate sleep at night so that they can have the necessary energy during the day. Sleep disturbance and snoring can be the cause of many diseases.

Today, the most effective material used for the treatment of snoring is snoring prostheses. The snoring prosthesis is used at night during sleep. It is specially produced, it is placed on the teeth, positions the lower jaw in front, opens the airway that is blocked by the back pressure of the tongue and palate, preventing snoring and sleep apnea.

Since the snoring prosthesis positions the lower jaw in a forward position during sleep, it prevents snoring and sleep apnea even in patients with class 2 jaw bites with a small lower jaw and back. The snoring prosthesis is used only during the treatment.

The snoring prosthesis is only worn at night while lying down, it is not used during the day.

Since the snoring prosthesis is made in accordance with the individual, it can also be used in case of other dental prostheses and toothlessness.

Snoring Surgery Application

It is applied in cases that do not respond positively to snoring prosthesis and other treatments. Patients in this category have mandibular retardation. Sometimes there is a developmental deficiency of the upper jaw. In such cases, they can be treated by applying different orthognathic surgical methods.

things to know?

Frequently Asked Questions About Snoring Treatment

What is Sleep Apnea?

It means that my breathing stops during sleep. In sleep apnea syndrome, there may be temporary suffocation caused by inability to breathe for several seconds during sleep. During this choking, the oxygen level in the blood drops, allowing the brain to wake up. The brain awakens the body to tell the body that breathing functions have stopped. It leads to quality sleep.

How is Snoring Treated?

Snoring prosthesis jaw surgery application other (Radiofrequency, Laser etc.)

Snoring Treatment
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