Dental Prostheses
Dental Prostheses

It is a branch of dentistry that deals with the construction and use of dental prostheses. The missing parts of the teeth or one or more missing teeth and related missing tissues are filled with suitable materials for the purpose of reusing deteriorated, diminished, lost function, aesthetics, deficiency and health. Types of surgical dental prostheses according to diagnosis and treatment intervals:

Total Dentures

They are prostheses that provide compensation for both lost teeth and surrounding tissues in patients who have lost all their teeth for various reasons. They can be inserted and removed by the patient.

Full denture teeth are prepared in an average of 5 sessions with measurements and various rehearsals. An average of 2 weeks is sufficient for 5 sessions. Since dental prostheses with palate are removable prostheses, it is more difficult to use than other prostheses. It can be easily placed and removed in the lower and upper jaws, but the comfort and chewing efficiency of the fixed prosthesis is not expected.

Precision Attached Dentures

It is a type of dental prosthesis applied in cases where there are many missing teeth and treatment cannot be performed with fixed prostheses. It is also known as ‘prosthesis with snaps’ among the people because of the hidden retainers that fit into the slots prepared in the teeth.

Hooked Dental Prosthesis

Partial removable dentures are removable prostheses in which the prosthesis is supported by the patient’s own teeth with hooks called special crochet hooks and sensitive holders.

Is hook visible in partial dentures?
Hookless partial dentures are also available. Sensitive attachment parts are added to the teeth to be used as the existing support for the veneer structures. Thus, the removable prosthesis can be attached to the teeth without hooks.

Can I eat comfortably with partial dentures?
Since partial dentures are made with support from both soft tissue and existing teeth, there is no problem in their retention. Cutting, biting and grinding functions are done comfortably.

Will my denture move while eating?
The hooks of partial dentures prevent the denture from being dislodged, so they do not move while eating. Over time, the hooks may loosen, in which case the hooks can be easily

What are the differences between partial dentures and precision attachment dentures?
Partial dentures have unaesthetic hooks, precision attachment dentures do not have hooks. For partial dentures, it may not be necessary to perform an operation on the existing teeth, for precision attachment dentures, it is mandatory to perform an operation on the existing teeth. For precision attachment dentures, there should be at least 4-6 teeth in the jaw, there is no restriction for partial dentures. The cost of precision attachment denture is slightly higher than that of partial denture.

Is it possible to make the hooks of the partial denture more aesthetically in tooth or gingival color?
Yes it is possible. Partial denture hooks are made in a white color like a tooth or a pink color like a gingiva.

My new prosthesis hits my mouth, is this normal?
Just as a newly bought shoe hits our feet, it is very normal for a newly made prosthesis to knock in the mouth. The dentures begin to hit the mouth within 12 hours of delivery. In this case, “Let me use it for a while.” The idea is not very true. If the doctor comes for a check-up the next day, the doctor relieves the patient by abrading the bruised areas. You may go for a hit control several times until you get complete relief.

D-flex Dentures

D flex prostheses are flexible prostheses that are generally used as temporary prostheses, where both the base and the hooks are made of the same plastic material.

Prosthetics on Implants

Implant prostheses can be fixed or mobile depending on the structure of the jaw, the oral hygiene of the patient, and many factors such as the number of implants to be made.

What are implanted fixed prostheses?
All fixed prostheses such as metal-supported, zirconium, monolithic zirconium made on the tooth can also be made on the implant.

I don’t have any teeth, how many implants should I have to have to use a fixed denture?
A general oral examination is required for the number of implants. Although you often prefer 6 implants for single-jaw fixed treatment, a detailed clinical and radiological examination of your doctor is essential to decide on the net number.

What is a total moving implant?
It can meet with situations where the total prosthesis in the lower jaw plays and the patient’s comfort will be very disrupted. In this case, if the mouth of the patient is not suitable for making a fixed prosthesis, 2 or 4 implants are placed in the mouth. Special holders are placed on the implants and special holders are placed on the inside of the prosthesis, allowing the prosthesis to attach to the implants with fasteners

Should I remove my total moving prosthesis at night?
Although the implant is on top, it should not be removed at night while lying down like normal total prosthesis, cleaned and worn at night to allow the tissues to breathe and rest.

Dental Prostheses
Information and Appointment