
It is a dental specialty that deals with the correct placement of teeth to the outer bones (alveolar crets) and the diagnosis and treatment of facial irregularities. The types of orthodontic treatment are as follows according to the patient’s condition:

  • Metal Braces
  • Clear  Plate Aligner
  • Orthodontics And Apartheid

Metal Braces

It is a treatment method applied for correction of crooked teeth that have broken skeletal problems. The aim is to correct the teeth using wires and brackets.

Clear Plate Aligner

It is an orthodontic treatment method made using transparent plaques created in custom 3D printers to correct tooth crosses. It offers a more aesthetic and comfortable process to the patient than wire treatment.

Orthodontics with Apartheid

Movable orthodontic apparatus, screw-acting apparatus used for chin extension, habit-breaking apparatus and finally reinforcement apparatus consist of movable orthodontic apparatus. The moving apparatus used in the mouth is designed specifically for the patient by the orthodontist and is easy to use and fits perfectly into the patient’s mouth. These devices are very important in early treatment. It is effective in the correct direction of growth development and is the first preferred treatment method for the treatment of position disorders in the lower and upper jaw.

Things To Know

Frequently asked questions about Orthodontics

How long does the treatment take on average?

Although the average duration of braces treatment is 1 to 3 years, some patients may need to be treated for a longer period of time. After treatment, some patients may need to use support retention devices called retainers for at least 6 months.

Which one should I choose, a Clear Plate Aligner or a brace?

Transparent plaque treatment may be preferred in many orthodontic disorders such as the crookedness of the teeth, jaw structure disorders, treatment of intermittent teeth and enlargement of the jaw. However, the best decision will be to follow the advice of your dentist.

Does aligner hurt?

It is quite comfortable according to the wire treatment. Because there is no wire or metal part in the mouth, there is no sinking or wound in the mouth. It is painless and painful.

Orthodontics And Apartheid are most used for which age group?

It is used especially in children at an early age and effective results are obtained in a short time.

In what situations are mobile devices used?

  • Patients with mismatch of jaw and face structure
  • Patients with a narrowing in their outer curvature
  • When upper teeth cover lower teeth too much
  • Patients with tooth problems
  • Patients who have problems with their mouth
  • Patients with inverted teeth
  • My mouth is breathing, patients with bad habits such as finger sucking
  • Early loss of milk teeth
  • Conditions that require consolidation after fixed orthodontic treatment

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