Botulinum Toxin
Botulinum Toxin

What Is Botulinum Toxin?

Botulinum toxin is a toxin derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. After injection into the relevant tissue, it shows its effect by preventing the release of substances that provide transmission at the nerve endings and stopping the transmission between the muscles and organs reached by the nerves. Stopping nerve conduction causes the function of the muscle and organ reached by the nerve to decrease or disappear completely.

Are there any side effects of botulinum toxin treatment?

Botulinum toxin has no serious side effects on health. A temporary swelling after application, bruising, excessive weakness in the rarely chewing muscles in the treatment of bruxism, etc.  can do.

What is masseter botulinum toxin?

Bruxism (tooth tightening) is a method applied to patients who have problems with jaw joints. It is a powerful chewing muscle located in the right and left corners of the lower jaw. It is a method used to reduce the strength of this muscle, known as cheek muscle, or to make it unable to work.

things to know?

Frequently Asked Questions About Botulinum Toxin

What should I do after botulinum toxin injection?

Daily life can be continued easily after the application. However, movements that require bending for a long time and working the face and chewing muscles should be avoided. In addition, after the botulinum toxin injection, the head should be kept elevated for about four hours, leaning forward should be avoided and not lying down. Approximately eight hours after the botulinum toxin injection, you can take a shower with lukewarm water and without causing any damage to the face, that is, without applying a scrub or pressure. Care should be taken to use cold water while washing the face.

What treatments is botulinum toxin used for?

  • Wrinkle treatment
  • Facial styling treatment
  •  Excessive sweating treatment
  • Migraine treatment
  •  Bruxism treatment
  •  Other treatments

Botulinum Toxin
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